When booking an appointment I will send you a CONFIRMATION. If you need to re-schedule you need to INFORM ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – preferable by text message – so we can make a new appointment without additional costs. If you just DON’T TURN UP you still have to pay the whole amount. I ALWAYS confirm your cancelation or re-scheduling. I you don’t reveive a confirmation I have not received it and you still have to pay.
According to the Swedish consumer law you have THE RIGHT TO CANCEL within 14 days of booking no questions asked. This right to cancel only applies in writing and before you start the training sessions. Please state what account you want your payment to be returned to.
As a new client you will receive an INVOICE TO BE PAID IN ADVANCE together with the confirmation. You pay to bankgiro or Swish.
When you book a training package it is valid 12 months from the first appointment.
I EMAIL all invoices and receipts in order to save the trees.